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What We'll Cover

  • Classroom management strategies and why they’re important?
  • The 3 different styles and how to implement them.
  • What style I prefer.

Strategies, Ideas and techniques for classroom management are vast. Thankfully, there are plenty of classroom management strategies to help get you through the day. But, do you know your style of classroom management? 

You’re stressed, worked up and not sure how to get the class organized. You tell yourself. “Come on, it’s nearly Friday”. “I’ve got this”. You may end up thinking, “I can’t deal with all this today”

Does this sound familiar to you?

I’m Miss Kate and I want to make sure every teacher has the resources they need to be successful in the classroom.

Miss Kate Profile picture

So whether you’re looking for tips on how to keep students focused or just need to deal with a particularly challenging class.

Maybe you’re just looking for ways to keep your students engaged.

Either way I’ve got you covered.

Here Are Just A Few Of My Favorite Classroom Management Strategies.

There are a few things I use to help me avoid the types of start to the day mentioned above. One is basic classroom management and I know some of the best techniques for classroom management, styles, and other tips that will help you get on track for the day.

There are different skills in classroom management that you need to be aware of. Like knowing how to keep the class on track and how to deal with disruptive behavior.

The best classroom management strategies vary depending on the teacher and the classroom, but some common ones include using positive reinforcement, having a clear routine, and as simple as maintaining a sense of humor.

Why Are Classroom Management Strategies Important?

Classroom management is important because it helps us to keep our cool when we’re stressed. Sometimes, it’s hard to keep the class organized and on track, but we do it because we want the best for our students.

Effective classroom management helps create a positive, calm learning environment for all.

teacher showing example of classroom management plan to a child

When a classroom is unruly, it can be very difficult for the teacher to teach. And when the teacher is constantly dealing with disruptions, it can be hard to stay focused and keep track of what’s happening in the classroom.

In addition, a disorderly classroom can make children feel unsafe and uncomfortable, which can interfere with their ability to learn.

Properly implemented techniques for classroom management create a calm and orderly environment in which children can learn and teachers can teach.

They help to ensure that every student has an opportunity to learn by keeping students focused on learning and preventing disruptions.

We’ll cover more about this in coming weeks!

What Are Classroom Management Styles?


The most popular ones are Democratic, Autocratic and Laissez-faire.

I’ll break these three down, then explain each one in more detail.

1 – Democratic:

  • Allows students to have a say in classroom decisions.
  • Teacher tries to build a relationship with each student and uses positive reinforcement.
  • Main goal is to create an environment in which students feel safe and comfortable so they can learn.

2 – Autocratic:

  • Autocratic classroom management involves using strict rules and punishments to keep students in line.
  • Effective in maintaining order, but it can also lead to students feeling frustrated or resentful.
  • Teachers who use an autocratic style need to be sure to clearly explain the rules and expectations to their students.


  • The teacher takes a hands-off approach and allows students to govern themselves.
  • Successful when implemented with a well-behaved class, but can lead to chaos when there are disruptive students.
  • Often not effective in managing classroom behavior in some circumstances.


This style of management is based on mutual respect between the teacher and students. Students have a say in what goes on in the classroom and are encouraged to be active participants in their learning.

Democratic classrooms emphasize student involvement and input in decision-making, which can lead to improved engagement and buy-in from students. Additionally, this approach can also help promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When done correctly, democratic classrooms can be highly effective learning environments.

When students have a say in how the class is run and they are encouraged to participate in decision-making, this helps create a more positive and engaging learning environment, as students feel invested in their education.

Additionally, democratic classrooms typically have more rules and procedures in place, which helps to keep everyone on track and focused on learning. Democratic classrooms can be a very effective way to manage a classroom, but it requires a lot of preparation and organization on the part of the teacher.

The way I implement Democratic classroom management styles is always changing and evolving. I am constantly trying new techniques and adapting to the needs of my students. This approach allows me to be flexible and responsive to the unique needs of each group.

There is no one way to implement democratic classroom management styles effectively. Each teacher has their own methods and techniques that work best for them and their students.

Factors I’ve mentioned are fostering a sense of community and cooperation among students, encouraging student input and involvement in decision making, and creating opportunities for all students to succeed.


This style of management is more traditional and hierarchical. The teacher is in charge and makes all the decisions. Students are expected to follow rules and regulations without question. This style can be very effective, but it can also be very stressful for both the teacher and the students.

In certain situations it allows the teacher to keep complete control over the environment and maintain order. However, it can also be restrictive and lead to students feeling unengaged or uninvolved in their own learning. It is important to note that this style may not be appropriate for all classrooms or all students. Some students may feel stifled by the lack of autonomy, and the autocratic approach may not promote creativity or critical thinking.

There are several ways to implement an autocratic classroom management style, and I have my methods that I think work best.

Be very clear and concise with the rules, and make sure that everyone understands what is expected of them. It is important to be consistent with punishments and rewards so that students know what they can expect if they do not follow the rules.

I know that some people may not agree with these methods, but we are here to explore the variety of styles and what may work best for you, may not work well for another teacher/ class.

two young girls pretending to paint sat at a table


I’m not sure this is well known to everyone but this is a more relaxed and hands-off style of classroom management. The teacher gives students a lot of freedom to work independently and make their own decisions. This style involves giving students a great deal of freedom and flexibility in how they learn. It can be a very effective way to manage a classroom, but it requires a lot of trust on the part of the teacher. While this can be chaotic at times, it can also work very well.

Students are often more engaged and motivated when they have some control over their learning. As long as the teacher is available to provide guidance when needed, Laissez-faire can be a successful way to manage students.

So which is my favorite?

Democratic style of classroom management is my favorite, I feel that over the years I have switched more towards this style of classroom management and it works best for me and my students.

Of course each year it looks a little different, new strategies and techniques with the new children I have. However, I fell giving the children the voice they deserve is part of creating a positive working environment.

Children learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process and this style of classroom management allows them to do just that. It also fosters a sense of responsibility and independence in children as they are given a chance to voice their opinions and share their ideas. 

I will give more information about how my classroom management strategies work and examples you can use very soon!


Those are the three popular classroom management styles.


But which one is right for you? Comment below and share you style, maybe you have more than one!

What Are The Best Techniques For Classroom Management?

It’s hard for me to tell you specifically but It depends on your personality, teaching style, and students. There is no one perfect way to manage a classroom.

(I KNOW you feel me on this) But the best way to find out what works for you is to experiment with different techniques and see what works best in your environment and children.

When it comes to managing our classrooms, it’s important to remember that we’re not alone. There are plenty of resources available to help us, including books, websites, and don’t forget other teachers. Having a mentor is also something I am passionate about.

Sometimes all we need is a little help to get the best techniques for classroom management back on track.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your classroom, take a deep breath and remember that help is out there. You’ve got this! Classroom management is critical, but it doesn’t have to be perfect.

Last note: Why is classroom management important to you?

We know classroom management is essential but what does it mean to you? Do you have any funny or memorable stories about tools you’ve used to manage your classroom?

Join me on my socials to see more and ask me anything you want.

If you feel like someone would benefit from this post, please share. I honestly appreciate it when you do.

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